
Sneh Vedic

Weight Loss Program


lack of Physicial Activity

Stress & Lack of sleep

Hormonal Imbalance

Inadequate Nutrients of Diet


Uncontrolled Portion Size

  • Doctor consultation
    2 calls per month.
  • Provide Herbs For detoxification Per week Herbs.
  • Dietician consultation Call + per week Diet Chart provided
    4 call’s per month.
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)Checkup
  • Doctor consultation  4 call’s per month. 
  • Provide Herbs for Detoxification
    Per week Herbs.
  • Dietician consultation on call + per week Diet chart Provided
  • RF Laser for body contouring (shaping body toning) 2 sessions.
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)Checkup
  • Doctor consultation Calls + mid week Follow up, Call’s Total 8 call 3 per month.
  • Provide Ultra Detoxification
    Herbs. Per week ultra detox Herbs.
  • Dietician consultation on call + mid week Follow up + Diet chart Provided + Food Recipes Provided.
  • RF Laser for body Contouring (shaping & body toning) 4 sessions.
  • BCA ( Body composition analysis)Checkup
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